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Law Made Easy! Jurisprudence and Legal Theory 6.0
Law Made Easy! Jurisprudence and Legal Theory is a free new app,the seventh installment of Law Made Easy!, a series of law-basedapps designed with the law student in mind! As many college anduniversity students will find, law can be a stressful subject. Butlook no further because Law Made Easy! has one aim in mind, andthat is to take away the stress of studying law. Jurisprudence isconceptual and can be studied by everyone with an interest in law.Students from the UK (England and Wales), US (United States ofAmerica), Commonwealth Countries (Canada, Australia, Malaysia,etc.), and various other systems benefit from understanding thephilosophical theory of law. The seventh installment of this seriesaims to provide students of law with an accessible and simpleunderstanding of a very basic yet complex subject - the theory oflaw. This app is perfect for those who wish to understand thephilosophy and concept of law. It comes with an in-app notebook, sostudents can keep note of any important notes and chapters, andbecause jurisprudence is a subject that requires ideas and abstractthinking, it would be so much easier to note down on your phonerather than on pieces of paper. This means you can make notesanywhere and anytime. This helps students to always bring with themthe nuances of legal theory wherever they are! Forget the hassle ofbringing paper and law books wherever you go! The in-app notebookis so much more convenient! The app is good for revising beforeexams. With simple easy-to-locate chapters such on natural law,positivism, liberalism and feminism, all you need to do is click!If you wish to find a specific jurist, there's also that option -jurists such as Kelsen, Hart, Austin, Dworkin and more will becovered! Jurisprudence is fundamental to being a lawyer, anacademician, or anyone related to the legal field. It is present inmost law degrees, and some universities such as the University ofLondon make it a compulsory subject. Because the whole concept oflaw is so important to the legal profession, it is imperative thatany law student must understand this subject to its fullest,especially those who aim to be academicians in law. Everything isin your hands with this app. However, it is first and foremost asupplement to your studies and while it cannot be considered atextbook, the app is many respects a guide for you along yourjourney as a law student. The features of this app: - Concise, easyto read format - find a topic through a theory or through a jurist- In-app notebook - detailed headings for each theory and jurist -notification function for us to keep you informed on the latestupdates Although Law Made Easy! Jurisprudence and Legal Theory isan app designed for university and college students, it is alsoequally as useful for any legal practitioner wishing to revise hisJurisprudence and Legal Theory or for those who wish to learn a bitabout law. More importantly, students who wish to have a academiccareer next time should definitely learn the subject and expandtheir eyes! Download the app now! Learn law the easy way today withLaw Made Easy! - the only law app you will ever need!
Law Made Easy! Latin Legal Terms 15.0
Law Made Easy! Latin Legal Terms is a free new app, the first ofmany law-based apps designed with the law student in mind! Law MadeEasy! aims to take away the stress of studying law. The firstinstallment of this series aims to provide students of law with acollection of Latin legal terms and maxims that are commonly used.Our collection is a modern one, focusing on the most common phrasesthat every law student will come across. This app comes with anin-app notebook, so students can keep note of any special legalterms which are of particular interest. This helps students torevise these legal terms wherever they are! Forget the hassle ofbringing paper and law books wherever you go! The in-app notebookis so much more convenient! In addition, Law Made Easy! Latin LegalTerms contains a pronunciation guide, helping you achieve a properpronunciation. In the event you have an oral assignment and wish touse some legal terms, proper pronunciation can bring it up to thenext level. Master the Latin aspect of law with this app! Adictionary, notebook, and pronunciation guide all in one app! Thefeatures of this app: - Concise, easy to read format - In-appnotebook - Handy pronunciation guide Although Law Made Easy! LatinLegal Terms is an app designed for students, it is also equally asuseful for any legal practitioner or for those who wish to learn abit about law. Download the app now! Learn law the easy way today!
Law Made Easy! Tort Law 8.0
Law Made Easy! Tort Law is a free new app, the fifth installment ofLaw Made Easy!, a series of law-based apps designed with the lawstudent in mind! As many college and university students will find,law can be a stressful subject. But look no further because LawMade Easy! has one aim in mind, and that is to take away the stressof studying law. Our law apps are focused on the UK's legal system,which is practiced broadly and forms the basis of the legal systemin most Commonwealth Countries. The fifth installment of thisseries aims to provide students of law with an accessible andsimple understanding of a very basic subject, one which can be seenin our everyday lives - the Law of Tort. This app is perfect forthose who are taking Cambridge A-Levels or those who are juststarting their degree. Tort law is a subject that is almostexclusively based on case law, save for a select few statutes. Thismeans that the Tort Law cases contained in the app areindispensable: the collection of cases here are as complete aspossible, bearing in mind the importance of each case. Our teamtook great liberty in choosing the cases, and it is with greatregret that some of the cases made the cut while others did not. Nodoubt the process was done with great care, and only those whichare of utmost relevance are provided for your convenience. The fewstatutes are also discussed, among them the Occupiers' LiabilityActs of 1957 and 1984, and the Defamation Acts of 1996 and 2013.Only the most important provisions are included. This app comeswith an in-app notebook, so students can keep note of any importantnotes and chapters, and because law is an ever changing entity (thelaw of tort more so than any other area), it helps to have anotebook to record any recent changes and developments. It is somuch easier to keep all your Tort law notes in one place, ratherthan have papers all around. This helps students to revise thesubject of Tort law wherever they are! Forget the hassle ofbringing paper and law books wherever you go! The in-app notebookis so much more convenient! The app is good for revising beforeexams. With simple easy-to-locate chapters such as general duty ofcare, economic losses, psychiatric injury, public and privatenuisance, employer's liability, one simple click gets you theconcise information that you want. The law of tort is an importantsubject in both Cambridge A-Levels and the second year of a lawdegree, be it from the University of London, Liverpool, Bristol, orCardiff, or any other university that offers a law degree. BecauseTort Law has the potential to happen to anyone (yes, it might! Froma McDonald's employee spilling hot coffee all over you, to a noisyneighbour that loves holding late night parties, the law of tortcovers them all!), it is imperative that any law student mustunderstand this subject to its fullest. With this app, everythingis in your hands. However, it is first and foremost a supplement toyour studies and while it cannot be considered a textbook, the appis many respects a guide for you along your journey as a lawstudent. The features of this app: - Concise, easy to read format -A-Z list of important cases pertaining to Tort law - In-appnotebook - Detailed headings for each Tort law chapter -notification function for us to keep you informed on the latestupdates Although Law Made Easy! Tort Law is an app designed foruniversity and college students, it is also equally as useful forany legal practitioner wishing to revise his Tort law or for thosewho wish to learn a bit about law. Download the app now! Learn lawthe easy way today with Law Made Easy! - the only law app you willever need!
InfiNote: Take Notes, Track Goals, Scan Documents 5.0
InfiNote: Take Notes, Track Goals, Scan Documents is a free,simple,and easy-to-use notepad app. It is minimalist and providesyou witha quick and simple experience to write notes, to do lists,memos,events, messages, shopping lists and goal tracking lists. Nomorecarrying papers around, bring InfiNote with you anywhere,anytime.InfiNote: Take Notes, Track Goals, Scan Documents features3functions: a note taking function, a goal tracking functionwithreminders, and a document scanning function. Taking notes issosimple with InfiNote, just type in a note and when you'redone,returning to the previous page automatically saves your note.Noneed to click save, the app does that for you. Rather thanbringinga notepad with you, downloading InfiNote gives you thechance tobring all your notes in your phone with no hassle. And ifyou arethe type who always misses out on your things to do, orevents,look no further because InfiNote has a function specificallyforyou. Goal Tracking enables you to set goals, or to do lists,andcategorise the goals according to their level of importanceandaccording to the type of goal or the type of to do list.Setreminders to keep you updated, and track your progress througheachand every single one of your goals. Never lose sight of yourgoalsagain. If you ever wanted to scan a document and turn it intoa PDFwhen no scanner is around, do not worry: InfiNote gives youtheluxury of bringing PDF scanner wherever you want, in yourpocket.Client wants a document immediately? Boss needs a letteremailed?InfiNote has got it covered, simply take a picture andgeneratePDF, then attach the PDF to email and you are done! It isthatsimple! No extra buttons to push! In short, the app provides: -anin-app notebook - a goal tracking function with reminders,similarto a to-do list - a document scanner Boost your productivitytoday.Download the simplest and most hassle-free notebook appavailableon the play store. The power to change your life startswithInfiNote: Take Notes, Track Goals, Scan Documents.
Economics Made Easy! 7.0
Economics Made Easy! is a simple, easy-to-use app designed to giveeconomics a fresh new look. Part of the non-law Made Easy series,this app aims to give students and entrepreneurs a succinct guidefor economics at their fingertips. Concepts and principles withinthe app are generally used worldwide, as they are universallyacknowledged and practiced by most countries. Examples providedwithin the app span across many different countries to illustratehow these economic concepts are used by different governments andperceived by the general population. The app focuses on basiceconomic concepts. Economics Made Easy! is organized under thebroad category of macroeconomics and microeconomics, and our mainpurpose is to ensure that students get a thorough grasp of economicconcepts. The economic decision-making of individuals, the market,demand and supply, labour, production, consumption, as well asinflation, gross domestic product (GDP), economic growth and manymore will be discussed. Economics, like law, is a subject whichinfluences the whole world. Economics is all around us, from thedecisions we make in our daily lives (such as the concept ofopportunity cost) to issues that affect the country and even theworld (inflation, for example), it pays to understand and studythis. It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who knows economicswill find themselves miles ahead of those who do not. EconomicsMade Easy! features: - chapter-by-chapter discussion on economy andeconomic concepts - a dictionary of important terms: easily searchup the definition of a term - over 160 charts, graphs, tables, andillustrations - real-life economic examples focusing on issues andproblems faced by various different countries - how to calculateimportant figures - in-app notebook: no more hassle with papers andpens! Start your economic journey today with Economics Made Easy!Master simple economics the easy way.
Law Made Easy! Contract Law 11.0
Law Made Easy! Contract Law is a free new app, the thirdinstallment of Law Made Easy!, a series of law-based apps designedwith the law student in mind! As many college and universitystudents will find, law can be a stressful subject. But look nofurther because Law Made Easy! has one aim in mind, and that is totake away the stress of studying law. Our law apps are focused onthe UK's legal system, which is practiced broadly and forms thebasis of the legal system in most Commonwealth Countries. The thirdinstallment of this series aims to provide students of law with anaccessible and simple understanding of a very basic subject, onewhich is present in our everyday lives - Contract Law. This app isperfect for those who are taking Cambridge A-Levels or those whoare just starting their degree. Contract law is a subject that isbased on a lot of case law. The Contract Law cases contained in theapp are indispensable: the collection of cases here are as completeas possible, bearing in mind the importance of each case. Our teamtook great liberty in choosing the cases, and it is with greatregret that some of the cases made the cut while others did not. Nodoubt the process was done with great care, and only those whichare of utmost importance are provided for your convenience.Important statutes are also provided. Contract law does incorporatea fair amount of statutory material, and thus we strive to providethe important legislation. This app comes with an in-app notebook,so students can keep note of any important notes and chapters, andbecause law is an ever changing entity, it helps to have a notebookto record any recent changes and developments. It is so much easierto keep all your contract law notes in one place, rather than havepapers all around. This helps students to revise the subject ofcontract law wherever they are! Forget the hassle of bringing paperand law books wherever you go! The in-app notebook is so much moreconvenient! The app is good for revising before exams. With simpleeasy-to-locate chapters such as offer and acceptance, rights ofthird parties, misrepresentation, terms and conditions, one simpleclick gets you the concise information that you want. Contract lawis an important subject in both Cambridge A-Levels, and in thefirst year of a law degree, be it from the University of London,Liverpool, Bristol, or Cardiff, or any other university that offersa law degree. Because Contract Law forms the base for most of oureveryday interactions (yes, we encounter it every single day! Frombuying newspaper, to ordering a set meal at McDonald's, they areall considered a contract!), it is imperative that any law studentmust understand this subject to its fullest. With this app,everything is in your hands. However, it is first and foremost asupplement to your studies and while it cannot be considered atextbook, the app is many respects a guide for you along yourjourney as a law student. The features of this app: - Concise, easyto read format - A-Z list of important cases pertaining to contractlaw - In-app notebook - Detailed headings for each contract lawchapter - notification function for us to keep you informed on thelatest updates - case updates page: where additional cases areadded, this is where they go Although Law Made Easy! Contract Lawis an app designed for university and college students, it is alsoequally as useful for any legal practitioner wishing to revise hiscontract law or for those who wish to learn a bit about law.Download the app now! Learn law the easy way today with Law MadeEasy! - the only law app you will ever need!
Law Made Easy! Criminal Law 9.0
Law Made Easy! Criminal Law is a free new app, the fourthinstallment of Law Made Easy!, a series of law-based apps designedwith the law student in mind! As many college and universitystudents will find, law can be a stressful subject. But look nofurther because Law Made Easy! has one sole aim - to take away thestress of studying law. Our law apps are focused on the UK's legalsystem, which is practiced broadly and forms the basis of the legalsystem in most Commonwealth Countries. The fourth installment ofthis series aims to provide students of law with an accessible andsimple understanding of a very important subject, one which has thepotential to affect the lives of each citizen in the world -Criminal Law. This app is perfect for those who are just startingtheir degree, or have finished their Cambridge A-Levels and areeager to start their reading. Criminal law is a subject that isbased on a lot of case law. The Criminal Law cases contained in theapp are indispensable: the collection of cases here are as completeas possible, bearing in mind the importance of each case. Our teamtook great liberty in choosing the cases, and it is with greatregret that some of the cases made the cut while others did not. Nodoubt the process was done with great care, and only those whichare of utmost importance are provided for your convenience.Important statutes are also provided. Criminal law does incorporatea fair amount of statutory material, and thus we strive to providethe important legislation. Usually when there is legislationinvolved, it runs hand-in-hand with the case law, so its best tokeep this in mind when studying the subject. This app comes with anin-app notebook, so students can keep note of any important notesand chapters, and because law is an ever changing entity, it helpsto have a notebook to record any recent changes and developments.It is so much easier to keep all your Criminal law notes in oneplace, rather than have papers all around. This helps students torevise the subject of contract law wherever they are! Forget thehassle of bringing paper and law books wherever you go! The in-appnotebook is so much more convenient! The app is good for revisingbefore exams. With simple easy-to-locate chapters such as theingredients of a crime, offences (such as murder, rape, and theft),and defences such as (insanity, necessity) one simple click getsyou the concise information that you want. Criminal law is afundamental in the first year of a law degree, be it from theUniversity of London, Liverpool, Bristol, or Cardiff, or any otheruniversity that offers a law degree. It also forms the subject ofmost postgraduate programs. Because Criminal Law has such aprofound impact on human life and human frailty, it is imperativethat any law student must understand this subject to its fullest.With this app, everything is in your hands. However, it is firstand foremost a supplement to your studies and while it cannot beconsidered a textbook, the app is many respects a guide for youalong your journey as a law student. The features of this app: -Concise, easy to read format - A-Z list of important casespertaining to criminal law - In-app notebook - Detailed headingsfor each criminal law chapter - notification function for us tokeep you informed on the latest updates Although Law Made Easy!Criminal Law is an app designed for university and collegestudents, it is also equally as useful for any legal practitionerwishing to revise his common law or for those who wish to learn abit about law. Download the app now! Learn law the easy way todaywith Law Made Easy! - the only law app you will ever need!
Men's Style Made Easy! 6.0
Men's Style Made Easy is an app designed for the modern man. Beaboss. Dress with power. Be a man of style. There are manystylishsuit photo maker or photo editor apps, suit montage apps outthere,but with those apps, all you get is a photo: people can neverseeyour sense of men's style in real life - all they see is aneditedphoto of you in a suit. Instead of merely taking an editedphotousing those photo maker or photo editor or suit montage apps,whynot step up your style and let people see you looking like abossin real life? Impress everyone in real life, not behind thescreen!This app focuses on the basic essentials of menswear andmen'sstyle: how everyone can look like the top boss in a suit.Insteadof providing information too technical for the layman, weprovideinformation that is simple and easy to understand, withouttoo muchtailoring terms: this is menswear in it's most minimalistandstylish form. This is power dressing at it's simplest andmen'sstyle at its finest! There is an explanation on why men'sstyle isimportant, and not men's fashion. The fashion world is afastmoving one, and sometimes fast fashion is a need that peoplecrave.However, fashion, as explained in the app, is vastlydifferent fromstyle. A boss man is a man of power, and he neverfollows thecrowd. He is his own man and he has his own style. Learnhow tolook like a stylish boss man without the help of a photoeditor,photo maker or photo montage! Now, other people can take aphoto ofyou in a suit, no editing required! The features of thisapp: -Detailed explanation of simple power dressing using suitsandshirts - Stylish accessories like ties and shoes for simplepowerdressing - The importance of fit for boss men - Do's anddon'tswhen getting clothes - Rules of clothing that should neverbebroken by a stylish boss man - In-app notebook for you torecordyour measurements: never be afraid to go to the tailor orbuyonline again! Download now! Start your journey towards owningyourpersonal style and looking like a boss! Everything starts withyourlook because as they say, personality is not the first thingpeoplesee.
Change Your Life In 1 Week 7.0
Looking for the simplest success plan? Tired of feelingunmotivated? Then try this app to change your life within 1 week!Change Your Life In 1 Week aims to help you achieve success fromthe moment you download the app! 7 days is all it takes for you tolearn the secrets that will last you a lifetime. We aim to make youfeel motivated, set goals, and understand the nature of humans, allso you can better understand those around you and work in harmony -forming meaningful relationships with people and achieving personalsuccess in your daily life. This is the simplest success plan youwill ever find, and the fastest to change your life. Learn thebasics of how to understand people, how to analyse feedback, andmost importantly, how to achieve your goals. Part of beingsuccessful is being happy, and motivation must be present. If youwork towards a goal that makes you happy, the success you get fromit will be tenfold, and what better way to start than with oursuccessful plan to Change Your Life In 1 Week. Brief overview ofthe successful plan to Change Your Life In 1 Week: Introduction -Understanding the Presuppositions of Everyday Life 1. Empathisingwith people. 2. Understanding Language Patterns. 3. Feedback:Giving it, Receiving it, Understanding it. 4. Avoiding the trap ofDrama. 5. Setting Goals (and being motivated) 6. DiscardingUnhealthy Beliefs 7. Knowing Yourself: Past, Future, Present.Because the app is arranged in a 7 day format, each day requiresyou to do a specific task. Completing the task will help youunderstand why each day is important towards making a successfuland motivated person out of you! Download the app now and embark onour success plan, guaranteed to bring you a better life, success,and happiness!
Trading: The Ultimate eBook Collection 8.0
Money is a commodity that is hard to come by, but nowadays youdon'tneed to be a big shot company man - if you have theguts,perseverance, and determination, you can do as well as peoplelikethem. All it takes is someone to point you in the rightdirectionwhen it comes to understanding the economy, as well asareas likeForex, Bitcoin, and other forms of Trading. From beginnerbasics ofTrading and Forex, to more detailed analysis of theeconomy andareas such as swing trading and day trading, this apphas it all.Keeping it simple, classy, and elegant, this app has aminimaliststyle for ease of use! The best Forex eBooks are here -eBooks thatnot only teach you to be a better Forex trader, but alsoto helpyou understand the psychology of trading and Forex. Thefollowingare the free eBooks contained in the App: 1. 5 Steps toBecoming aTrader 2. 10 Ways to Stay Focused for Real Time Traders3. 11Elliot Wave Patterns 4. A Course in Miracles 5. PracticalSwingTrading Guide 6. Bollinger Bandit Trading Stretegy 7.BollingerBands-An Explanation 8. Breakout Trading Strategies 9.ChartPatterns and Technical Indicators 10. Dynamic Breakout II 11.ForexOnline Manual for Successful Trading 12. The Ghost Trader 13.KingKeltner's Strategy 14. The Money Manager 15. Super ComboDayTrading 16. Thermostat Trading Strategy 17. Trading as aBusinessKnowledge is power. Go forth and pave your way to successandwealth with these free Forex eBooks, all in one simple, easy touseapp!
Law Made Easy! Common Law and Legal System 11.0
Law Made Easy! Common Law and Legal System is a free new app,thesecond installment of Law Made Easy!, a series of law-basedappsdesigned with the law student in mind! As many collegeanduniversity students will find, Law can be a stressful subject.Butlook no further because Law Made Easy! has one aim in mind,andthat is to take away the stress of studying law. Our law appsarefocused on the UK's legal system, which is practiced broadlyandforms the basis of the legal system in most CommonwealthCountries.The second installment of this series aims to providestudents oflaw with an accessible and simple understanding a verybasicsubject, one which forms the foundation and core of studyinglaw -Common Law and Legal System, with a focus on the EnglishLegalSystem. This app is perfect for those who are takingCambridgeA-Levels or those who are just starting their degree. Thisappcomes with an in-app notebook, so students can keep note ofanyimportant notes and chapters, and because law is an everchangingentity, it helps to have a notebook to record any recentchangesand developments. It is so much easier to keep all yourcommon lawnotes in one place, rather than have papers all around.This helpsstudents to revise the subject of common law whereverthey are!Forget the hassle of bringing paper and law books whereveryou go!The in-app notebook is so much more convenient! The app isgood forrevising before exams. With simple easy-to-locate chapterssuch ascase law and judicial precedent, statutes andstatutoryinterpretation, the Human Rights Act 1998 and criminal andcivilprocesses, one simple click gets you the concise informationthatyou want. The English Legal System is an important subject inbothCambridge A-Levels, and in the first year of a law degree, beitfrom the University of London, Liverpool, Bristol, or Cardiff,orany other university that offers a law degree. Because theEnglishLegal System is the base for all other legal systemsinCommonwealth countries, it is imperative that any law studentmustunderstand this subject to its fullest. With this app,everythingis in your hands. However, it is first and foremost asupplement toyour studies and while it cannot be considered atextbook, the appis many respects a guide for you along yourjourney as a lawstudent. The features of this app: - Concise, easyto read format -In-app notebook - Detailed headings for each commonlaw chapter -notification function for us to keep you informed onthe latestupdates Although Law Made Easy! Common Law and LegalSystem is anapp designed for university and college students, it isalsoequally as useful for any legal practitioner wishing to revisehiscommon law or for those who wish to learn a bit about law.Downloadthe app now! Learn law the easy way today with Law MadeEasy! - theonly law app you will ever need!
Law Made Easy! Public Law 7.0
Law Made Easy! Public Law is a free new app, the sixthinstallmentof Law Made Easy!, a series of law-based apps designedwith the lawstudent in mind! As many college and universitystudents will find,law can be a stressful subject. But look nofurther because LawMade Easy! has one aim in mind, and that is totake away the stressof studying law. Our law apps are focused onthe UK's legal system,which is practiced broadly and forms thebasis of the legal systemin most Commonwealth Countries. The sixthinstallment of thisseries aims to provide students of law with anaccessible andsimple understanding of a very basic subject, onewhich has adirect influence on the running of our country -constitutional lawand administrative law. These 2 headings are thefundamentals ofpublic law, making this app perfect for those whoare just startingtheir degree. Both administrative andconstitutional law is asubject that is more theory than cases, savefor a select few areassuch as Human Rights, European Union law, andmost importantlyjudicial review. However the cases are quiteimportant, so weprovide a collection of cases that best helps youunderstand theparticular chapter. Our team took great liberty inchoosing thecases, and it is with great regret that some of thecases made thecut while others did not. No doubt the process wasdone with greatcare, and only those which are of utmost relevanceare provided foryour convenience. This app comes with an in-appnotebook, sostudents can keep note of any important notes andchapters, andbecause law is an ever changing entity, it helps tohave a notebookto record any recent changes and developments. It isso much easierto keep all your Public law notes in one place,rather than havepapers all around. This helps students to revisethe subject ofconstitutional and administrative law wherever theyare! Forget thehassle of bringing paper and law books wherever yougo! The in-appnotebook is so much more convenient! The app is goodfor revisingbefore exams. With simple easy-to-locate chapters suchasconstitution, separation of powers, the rule of law,parliament,ministerial responsibility, the Human Rights Act 1998,EuropeanUnion influences and judicial review, all you need to do isclick!Public law, in dealing with constitutional and administrativelaw,is an important subject in the first year of a law degree, beitfrom the University of London, Liverpool, Bristol, or Cardiff,orany other university that offers a law degree. Because thislawgoverns those who run the country, it is imperative that anylawstudent must understand this subject to its fullest,especiallythose who aim to be future leaders of their country.Everything isin your hands with this app. However, it is first andforemost asupplement to your studies and while it cannot beconsidered atextbook, the app is many respects a guide for youalong yourjourney as a law student. The features of this app: -Concise, easyto read format - A-Z list of important casespertaining to Publiclaw - In-app notebook - Detailed headings foreach Public lawchapter - notification function for us to keep youinformed on thelatest updates Although Law Made Easy! Public Law isan appdesigned for university and college students, it is alsoequally asuseful for any legal practitioner wishing to revisehisConstitutional law and Administrative law or for those who wishtolearn a bit about law. More importantly, students who wish tohavea political career next time should definitely learn thesubject!Download the app now! Learn law the easy way today with LawMadeEasy! - the only law app you will ever need!
Coding Made Easy! JavaScript 2.0
Ever wanted to learn programming and coding but have no ideawhereto start? Why not try JavaScript as your first everprogramminglanguage! It is a very easy language for beginners todip theirtoes into the world of programming. With Coding MadeEasy:JavaScript!, even beginners will be able to follow along andstartcoding to create their very first programs. This app aims tohelpbeginners develop a basic foundation in coding and programming,andeven advanced programmers may find this app useful forreference.It contains JavaScript lessons and explanations that areeasy evenfor beginners to understand. Not only that, it provides abasicunderstanding in programming and coding that can enablebeginnersto move on to other programming languages. Coding MadeEasy:JavaScript! also contains a very helpful handbook to helpbeginnersand veterans to improve their programming knowledge.Learning tocode has never been easier with this app! What are youwaiting for?Install Coding Made Easy: JavaScript! today to explorea whole newworld of programming! Coding Made Easy: JavaScript!includesfeatures such as: - A step-by-step guide on coding yourvery firstprograms - Visual aids to help visualise and understanddifferentalgorithms and processing logic - The best tips and tricksofJavaScript programming - A notebook where you can takeyourprogramming notes - A trusty handbook that will aid you inyourprogramming journey - Intuitive and easy to use interfacethatenables quick navigation Wait no more! Download Coding MadeEasy:JavaScript and begin learning how to code today!